

I am known for my multisensory approach to education where teaching using hands on activities and games is paramount.
— Jenny Sandler

I am known for my multisensory approach to teaching where using hands-on activities and games is key. As well as supporting executive functioning skills in order to attain academic progress. 

Developing number sense is paramount for efficient calculating and computing and I often simultaneously teach higher level topics alongside basic numeracy such as number bonds to ten or 100.  I teach maths  using a considerable number of manipulatives in order to develop a concrete understanding of the topic and provide resources to reduce the cognitive load and strain on working memory whilst teaching more complex skills.

I make my lessons as fun and interactive as possible so that children enjoy learning, look forward to our lessons and retain the knowledge. Through numerous years of experience teaching children to read and write, I have developed a literacy model that utilises both phonics and whole word teaching but most importantly is bespoke for the individual child’s way of learning.

I write my own books for and about my pupils to engage them and so they can practice specific  words, spelling patterns and phonological skills.